Sunday, October 4, 2009

The play room before a day with the cousins......

And after.


Ellis family said...

Totally love this post! That's how it is at our house when all the neighbor kids come over. My kids tdo a good job at keeping things under control, but the minute you add another kid to the mix it's all over!:)

Taffy and Tony said...

Looks like they had SOOOO much fun!

Unknown said...

That's great your coming for Thanksgiving! Cant wait to see you guys. It seems like its been forever!! It's our turn at my parents for Thanksgiving this year but we can always do both...

Unknown said... definitely looks like they had a GREAT time!! :)

Melissa said...

And just think, that's a day without Avery there too.

Rachel Kenley said...

That probably made you SO mad...hahaha