Okay, I'm just figuring this thing out. So apparently this is like some kind of online journal - I don't really know how this is going to go over- even writing this right now, I am boring myself, so I'm not sure who is going to come here and read this. Anyway....
Here is a quick update of our lives in the last year or two. Last June Kevin and I packed up all of our things and drove up the Alcan highway with Andy. We moved into my granny's basement and Kevin quickly found a new job. We've had two very exciting things since we moved here - first, we had a daughter named Daisy Leah. She was born on July 15th, just days after all of my sisters left from their visit here. She's a very adorable little girl! She has no hair (and no
eyebrows, as my dad loves to point out. He thinks it's really wierd). Andy , who is 3 years old now, loves his baby sister. And he LOVES his grandpa Chuck. Don't get me wrong, he loves Grandma, Rachel, Granny, Grampy, etc.. But everyone knows Grandpa is his favorite. It is very cute to see them together. And since he and Daisy are the only grandkids that live up here, they get a lot of attention.
The other exciting thing is that for the last six months we have been building our new house!Kevin (and I) have been the general contractors on it, so it's been very time consuming. But so far everything has gone pretty smoothly. Right now the drywall is going up, so we're hoping to be in sometime after Christmas. Kevin and I designed the house ourselves, so it's pretty exciting to see it all coming together!
Here is a quick update of our lives in the last year or two. Last June Kevin and I packed up all of our things and drove up the Alcan highway with Andy. We moved into my granny's basement and Kevin quickly found a new job. We've had two very exciting things since we moved here - first, we had a daughter named Daisy Leah. She was born on July 15th, just days after all of my sisters left from their visit here. She's a very adorable little girl! She has no hair (and no
The other exciting thing is that for the last six months we have been building our new house!Kevin (and I) have been the general contractors on it, so it's been very time consuming. But so far everything has gone pretty smoothly. Right now the drywall is going up, so we're hoping to be in sometime after Christmas. Kevin and I designed the house ourselves, so it's pretty exciting to see it all coming together!